

So, for reasons that I have made clear in a previous post, I wasn’t doing much in the way of blogging/writing during the earlier months of this year. Therefore, I did not get to announce my two reading pledges for this year.

The first, which I am sharing with the incredible Shannon Noel Brady, revolves around the dewy decimal system and non- fiction books. In this I am to read one book from each of the first numbers in the system. So far that has been interesting, but I have seriously fallen behind. I will be picking up with a book in the 4’s sometime soon, look for that.

The other pledge, made to myself, revolves around fiction books. If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time you know that I love (almost) all genres and (most of) the authors in them. However, I received a little real-life criticism for seeming to have a preference for female authors, especially in the world of science-fiction and fantasy.

That isn’t true, but it was perceived that way.

I responded in the most adult way that I possibly could. I made the promise that I would read ONLY female authors this year. Because that wasn’t petty at all. Right? Right.


( my cat is judging me)

So, I realize that we are headed into July, and that my goodreads shows that I am still reading the digital version of G.R.R.M’s Game of Thrones, but that’s been going on for about two or three years…so ignore that. For this year I will (and have) been putting a serious, unrelenting spotlight on the authors of Science Fiction and Fantasy. So look for that when I do some of my book lists, my reviews, and other nuggets of literary delight.

7 thoughts on “A Year of Women (in Sci-Fi/Fantasy)

  1. In a world where the number of female authors is pretty much equal to male authors, yet they get less recognition for their work, especially in the realms of sci fi and fantasy, your pledge to celebrate female authors is damn awesome I say!

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  2. Also I’m excited to chat again about our nonfiction reads! I just finished my pick for the 600s yesterday, about the psychology behind compulsive hoarding. Was very, very good. I know you’re not there yet but when you are, if you’re interested in mental health then 616 is your number to go to! 🙂

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